A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Greetings from Costa Rica! 👋🌿

This is a short prototype concept for a Coursera Design course assignment.

It is made with Unreal Engine 5 and the Endless Runner Creator in Blueprints tool.


Nym the manatee tries to save his species from threats like the loss of warm water habitat by creating a safe place like calmer rivers, estuaries, bays and canals for everyone to live by exploring outside of its natural habitat.

Short synopsis

Manatees are endangered and the brave Nym goes collecting materials and food resources beyond the comfort of his home to help his community. Build an amazing place to live with the elements you gather from your adventures and save the manatees!.

Being a casual mobile infinite runner is not really story heavy but some key moments that unlock new regions will happen as the player advances reaching milestones, from clear swamp-like rivers, summer beaches ocean and chilly Antarctic waters, all with their own collectables and enemies and traps.

Nym model made by Verónica Morera.

Please be aware that assets are not final and can’t create environment 3D assets currently, this is shown only as a very early proof of concept.


PushuNymRunner-Android-arm64.zip 78 MB
PushuNymRunner-Windows.zip 143 MB

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